A FREE 5-day guided experience for aspiring or ‘up-and-running’ self-employed Mums…


Discover the 5 powerful steps to grow a beautifully aligned business and life on YOUR terms, that works in harmony with parenthood

When? 14 - 18 March 2022
Where? Live / on replay on my Instagram channel
OR direct to your inbox daily

  • Learn how it IS possible to run and grow a thiriving business on YOUR terms while maintaining your integrity as a parent

  • Believe that your business and family can happily co-exist side by side (rather than at loggerheads)

  • Experience the beautiful ripple effect when you create a joyful life and business that feels like YOU

During this FREE 5-day experience you will…

  • Discover the 5 essential ingredients to build and grow a ‘you-shaped’ business that honours your WHOLE self

  • Learn what is needed to protect your time, energy and priorities as a business owner AND a parent

  • Understand the number 1 mindset shift to help you get out of your own way and show up confidently for your business, family and yourself

  • Start creating those first ripples towards a greater sense of professional fulfillment, personal freedom and balance as a parent, all at once

A bit more about me...

I'm Tamsin -passionate Life and Mindset Coach for Mums and business owner, devoted Londoner, burger and yoga fanatic and Mum to two spirited gorgeous kiddos.

When I left my 14-year marketing career in 2019 to run my coaching biz alongside raising my young family I felt TOTALLY out of my depth! But through lots of self-reflection, overcoming A LOT of fear, saying YES to support and learning to trust my intuition I've managed to create a life where I feel professional fulfilment, personal freedom and balance in life as a parent, all at once. No regrets!! 

I'm now on a mission to guide and empower other ambitious Mums to create a life and business that unapologetically honours their WHOLE selves while also maintaining their integrity as a parent.

Sounds like what you desire? Well then you’re in the right place!

you can be a thriving business owner, an amazing mum and honour yourself all at once. It doesn’t need to be a choice.