This is your invitation to hit pause on the Mum Juggle, and claim space for YOU
welcome to the parenthood retreat email community
Parenthood is a crazy old ride, isnt it? And it's so easy to get so swept up in the madness of it all that we forget about OURSELVES.
BUT when we forget ourselves life can start to feel like a bit of a joyless, meaningless slog - and you deserve so much more than that for yourself!
So I'd love to invite you to join my email community - The Parenthood Retreat - the perfect reminder to stay connected to who you are and what you want for your life and career - both in tandem with and beyond motherhood.
I'll hop into your inbox weekly(ish!) and share inspiration, support and solidarity to help you navigate the twists, turns, highs and lows on your parenthood journey.
** PLUS as a welcome gift I've created a FREE bite-sized mindfulness audio to help you grab a beautiful and well-deserved moment of headspace and calm for yourself!**
A bit more about me…
I'm Tamsin, a transformational Life and Mindset Coach (aka The Parenthood Coach) and host of The Parenthood Retreat email community. I’m also a trained mindfulness teacher and mum of two spirited kiddos.
My mission is to support ambitious but unfulfilled Mums who feel their passion, purpose and potential have been stifled by the intensity of the Mum juggle.
Through holistic coaching and mindfulness, I empower Mums to untangle their busy minds, reignite their fizzling spark and unearth their buried aspirations so they can emerge from the fog of Parenthood with clarity, confidence and calm. And transform their big beautiful dreams into a reality thats buzzing with purpose, balance and joy - while maintaining their integrity as a parent.
If you’re wondering ‘Is this REALLY as good as it gets?’ and you’re ready to take back control of your life, then I’m here to help you make that magic happen!