- the ripple effect -

A high-touch 1:1 coaching and mentorship experience empowering Mums on their self-employed journey to build a thriving, aligned life and business to love without sacrificing family life (or themselves!)


I know that starting or running a business on your own can feel scary and overwhelming ESPECIALLY when you have so much else on your plate as a Mum. 

But knowing you aren’t navigating all those thoughts, feelings, ideas and decisions alone can make SUCH a huge difference to how you feel in yourself, how much you enjoy the process, and how quickly you start to see the results you desire.

My 1:1 hybrid coaching and mentoring experience - THE RIPPLE EFFECT - will help you realise that it IS possible for you to fulfil your own professional aspirations in your own right without having to run yourself into the ground, sell your soul to the patriarchy or sacrifice your personal life in the process.  

And it will provide you with a business partner (ME!) to share the journey with - someone in your corner for business, emotional, mindset and lifestyle support who will empower you to build a life and business that intuitively fits around your WHOLE self and aligns with who you are and what matters to you as a woman, business owner and parent.  

Whether you’re self-employed already or about to dive in, if you'd like some deeper support from a coach who’s been on the same journey and who has your back 100%, then I’ve got you!

You CAN build yourself a beautifully ‘you-shaped’ business and life unapologetically on YOUR terms that works in harmony with parenthood, rather than in conflict.

Feel fully seen and supported as you…

  • Create a business that unequivocally works for YOU and feels like YOU

  • Feel fired up by your business and life vision, with crystal clarity on where you're heading and why it matter

  • Develop rock solid intuition, making empowered decisions with authenticity, confidence, and ease

  • Feel equipped to master your mindset monkeys and channel your ‘inner mentor’ on demand

  • Feel in flow and in control of your day-to-day life, parenting, wellbeing and business 

  • Thrive in business while thriving in yourself and Motherhood

“My mind now doesn’t feel constantly cluttered whirring between work, kids and life admin. My mood and presence around my kids has transformed, my confidence overall has blossomed, and my work life now feels like ‘me’ and makes me so happy, inspired and excited for the future”

— Nicola: Architect and Mum of 2 -

say goobye to…

  • Endlessly running on the hamster wheel, fighting for work-life balance 

  • Feeling you need to work ALL the hours (which there are never enough of!) and do ALL the things to succeed

  • Feeling knackered, run down, burnt out and MOODY because taking a moment to yourself feels like a luxury

  • Feeling like your business brain is always on, distracting you from staying present with your kids

  • Agonising over decision making for fear of making the wrong choice

  • Aimlessly following ALL the business advice, hoping something sticks

  • Believing everyone else has running a business sussed, except you

  • Saying YES to everyone and everything when your gut is screaming NO!

  • Constantly chasing after your own expectations

and say a big beautiful ‘hello’ to…

  • The ability to compartmentalise your business as part of your life but not your WHOLE life

  • Cultivating the confidence to take guilt-free time out of your business to do the things you love and be truly present with your family

  • Better sleep, better moods, better balance - because that pressure to chase success has been replaced by an inner knowing that your business is in (your) safe hands 

  • Experiencing the results, income and fulfilment you desire because your business structure and strategy makes sense and feels sustainable to YOU

  • Zero interest in comparing yourself to others because you’re so fired up by the business you’ve created for yourself

  • More meaningful and joyful relationships with your closest people, because you have energy, time and headspace to genuinely engage and connect

  • The reassurance and comfort of knowing that you have support available to you, and you don't need to navigate entrepreneurship alone

“I was so scared to leave the stability of my corporate job, but 7 months down the line I now work for myself and I’m flooded with work! I feel so much more confident and I’ve found a way for my work to compliment the way I want to live. I am my own boss, I dictate my hours around family time, and I’ve learnt how to listen to my mind and body to lean into what I need so I can thrive in all parts of life”

- Tamara: Content Creator and Mum of 2 -

i get it! i’ve been on my own journey too…

After becoming a Mum I found myself in a really challenging place (as many mums do). My 14 year marketing career wasn’t fulfilling me and felt incompatible with my life as a parent, and I felt a real disconnect with my sense of identity and direction in life.

After gaining some mega clarity and inspiration through coaching, I retrained to become a coach myself. And in December 2019 I said ‘adios’ to the 9-5 to start my own coaching business to support other women to find their own version of fulfilment and freedom alongside Motherhood. 

Having never worked for myself before I honestly felt TOTALLY out of my depth!! And adding the chaos of young kids, the uncertainty of a global pandemic and the pressures of homeschooling into the mix I’ve questioned my sanity at times! 

BUT despite the hurdles, the decision to work for myself has taken me on one of the most self-affirming and empowering learning journeys of my life. And through much self-reflection, navigating A LOT of fear, saying YES to support and learning to trust my intuition (among other invaluable lessons) I've managed to re-write my story.

And the ripple effect of doing that inner work allowed me to create a life where I feel professional fulfilment, personal freedom and balance in life as a parent, all at once.

Is working for myself and juggling parenthood a daily walk in the park now? Not all the time, no! 

But through a process of ongoing experimentation, fine-tuning and listening to myself I’ve made sustainable changes to how I run my life

This means my business and family sit happily side by side, rather than at loggerheads.  And I feel the freedom to live a life that reflects my WHOLE self, and matches who I really feel I am on the inside.

- And THAT is my wish for you as well - 

To experience the beautiful ripple effect when you create a joyful life and business that feels like YOU.

On YOUR terms, playing by YOUR rules and WHILE maintaining your integrity as a parent.  

Consciously crafting a ‘me -shaped’ business and doing the work from the inside out has meant that…

  • I’m working to MY schedule in a way that suits my life - I’m at the school gates every day and I take school holidays off and I block off Fridays as ‘me-time’ where I focus on the things that I want or need, without guilt 

  • I make daily decisions in my business that feel intuitively aligned to my mission, values, priorities and feelings

  • I’ve made my mental health and mindset a priority, and have the tools to support myself daily to be a more grounded and self-compassionate business owner, and a happier more present Mum. 

  • I’ve got comfortable with getting visible in a way that feels good to me and attracts inspiring, dream clients 

  • I’ve taken big steps out of my comfort zone - and not just survived but THRIVED as a result! - more than doubling my prices, launching new programmes and making bold decisions that felt bloody scary (but aligned!)

  •  I feel a passionate sense of pride and purpose every day, and LOVE sharing with people what I do


  • Because women have been told they need to be small and quiet and make space for men to lead the way for wayyy too long - AND IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE!

  • Because having kids is NOT a valid reason to supress your own desires and aspirations

  • Because Motherhood can be a powerful and liberating ENABLER, NOT a reason fade away

  • Because running a business you love OR being an amazing parent isn’t a choice you need to make. You get to do both, unapologetically YOUR way

  • Because when you dare to ask for what you really want you’ll feel AMAZING ripples across all parts of your life

  • Because the world NEEDS what you have to offer, and when you prioritise your needs, desires, and ambitions you inspire other women to follow your lead and share their voices too

  • Because when kids see their Mum thriving, empowered and owning her aspirations, it gives them permission to do the same when they grow up 


“Before contacting Tamsin I’d completely lost my purpose. I was trying to run a business which wasn’t going anywhere, and I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to find the answers. I knew that if I didn’t get support I’d keep going round in circles for months if not years. Or just jack it all in!

Having the space and time to focus on me has been invaluable and I have gained so much confidence and clarity, without being overwhelmed. I have reignited my business with new branding, a fresh vision and renewed motivation. And I have learned to think clearly about what I want from life and what is important to me. I’m also being more patient with my kids because I feel happier in mysef

- Julia: Child Nutrition, Health Coach and Mum of 2 -

“I’d always dreamed of starting a business but felt so full of fear that I’d fail and had no idea where to start. But working with Tamsin has encouraged me to continuously put one foot in front of the other, and she’s empowered me to climb out of my rut and find the courage to follow through on my dream.

Tamsin has helped me find so much clarity, a fresh perspective and given me the tools to halt my spiralling mind. And I have made changes in my life I never thought would be possible across all parts of my life. I feel as though Tamsin is very much on the journey with me, always cheering me on and encouraging me to persevere. And it’s really happening!”

- Selina: Business owner and Mum of 3 -


Empowering self-employed Mums to build a life and business honouring their WHOLE selves

how we’ll work together…

You and your journey are totally unique - and together we’ll co-create a completely bespoke experience for you that aligns with who you are and what you desire in life, business and parenthood.

As your coach >> I’ll introduce you to an array of empowering coaching and NLP strategies, resources and processes which will provide you with invaluable tools for life to use way beyond our time working together 

PLUS in my mentor hat >> I’ll provide you with support, inspiration and reassurance by generously sharing experience, knowledge and insights from my own 14 year marketing career and self-employment journey

You’ll be supported from the inside out and we’ll intuitively explore your life and business from the following angles (expand each pillar for details):

  • Give yourself permission to dream…BIG! Carve out space to build an aligned, motivating and fulfilling ‘you-shaped’ vision to work towards for your life and business.

  • Take a step back and identify what REALLY matters to you in your life and business. Understand how your priorities connect, where there’s room to grow and how to honour your WHOLE self in all parts of your life

  • Dig deep to get clear on your sense of purpose in life and explore your core values, embedding them at the heart of all you do

  • We’ll cultivate your confidence, belief and trust in yourself so you realise you CAN do it and this version of life IS available to you. Shine a light on your talents, passions and experience so you can feel an empowered sense of pride and accomplishment in who you are and what you have to offer the world.

  • Evolve your mindset by turning down the volume on your inner critic, getting out of your own way & and connecting with your ‘inner mentor’ to help you fulfil your potential and make more empowered decisions

  • Craft a balanced, fulfilling and supportive version of life for yourself where your wellbeing is a priority, your boundaries are strong and where you and your needs have space to thrive alongside your business and family, on your terms. 

  • Use me as your judgement-free sounding board to bounce around ideas, weigh up decisions and brainstorm strategies with so you can confidently share your magic with the world and take your business to the next level

  • Fine tune your time management and organisation skills to boost your productivity, beat your overwhelm and feel in control of your life and business. And I’ll hold you accountable and cheer you on every step of the way!

  • Create and consistently commit to your ‘you-shaped’ plan, where taking aligned action comes as second nature, expectations feel motivating AND realistic, and getting visible feels authentic, sustainable and FUN!

What will you get?

  • 1 x 90 minute deep dive vision building session

    We’ll kick off by getting crystal clear about your intentions for your coaching journey, and bring your aspirations to life so you have a motivating and inspiring vision to work towards 

  • 8 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching / mentoring sessions

    On Zoom (unless otherwise agreed) approx bi-weekly over a 5 month period (although happy to flex depending on the support needed along the journey). Recordings provided.

  • Personalised Coaching Roadmap

    Session reflections and actions will be captured in your personalised coaching roadmap so we can track and consolidate your progress over the coaching journey  

  • Ongoing remote support

    Over 5 months you’ll have access to me remotely between sessions (via WhatsApp or email ) to keep up momentum, navigate mindset wobbles, seek advice and celebrate alllll your amazing wins. Available Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

  • Supporting skills and materials

    I’ll share specialist coaching tools, resources and exercises , guide you through hand-picked NLP processes and mindfulness exercises and share reading / listening / viewing recommendations as relevant so you can continue growing independently.

  • A second pair of eyes

    This programme is split approximately 70% coaching and 30% mentorship. In my mentorship role I’m available to cast my eye over your work and share constructive feedback and opinions based on my own experience.

what’s your investment?

Your investment in ‘The Ripple Effect’ coaching and mentoring experience is £2,250 for 5 months of intensive 1:1 support

Or take advantage of my monthly payment plan:
5 x monthly instalments of £450


Whether you’re already a HELL YES or if your head is buzzing with questions, I’d love to invite you onto a free 30 minute call to see if we feel like a good fit and explore whether this is the support you and your business need right now.

“Tamsin and I initially worked together to establish my next career move and subsequently she became my accountability partner for developing certain aspects of my own business while balancing family life.

The work I've done with Tamsin has been invaluable in building my confidence and helping me to prioritise the stepping stones to where my career and business is now. Tamsin has an encouraging, caring, reflective and intuitive style. I have gained so many new skills from the work we've done together. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Tamsin.

- June: Marketing Consultant, Framer and Mum of 2 -

“I’d got stuck in a rut where I was putting limitations on myself, my ability and my self-esteem.

Tamsin helped me smash through those and my confidence has soared.

Through working with Tamsin I’ve found a more authentic voice and now know my opinions, input and contributions matter. I am happier than ever running my business - I’ve found my work voice and I set my boundaries to protect my wellbeing and family time. I now know you don’t have to feel overworked and burnt out to run a business. For me, my coaching journey was the self-care I needed” 

- Bella: Yoga Teacher and Mum of 3 -

are you ready to say ‘yes’ to your ‘you-shaped’ life?

Investing in yourself is the most BEAUTIFUL act of self love!

And it’s one that I don’t believe anyone will ever regret! I certainly never have!

I believe with all my heart that combining motherhood with entrepreneurship can be the most inspiring, liberating + empowering experience.

And it would be an absolute honour, joy and privilege to support YOU to experience that for yourself too

frequently asked questions

  • You have the option to either pay in full up-front or to split payments accross a 5 month period. If you’re booking in advance you could split payments over a longer period. Please feel free to email me to discuss any of your particular requirements as I strive to make my services as accessible as possible.

  • Remote support is designed keep up momentum and hold you accountable, plus supporting you through any challenges or worries you’re navigating. Not to mention celebrating all the good stuff when it happens!

    I am available to be contacted via WhatsApp, email or messenger at any point Monday - Friday, between 9am-5pm. And you can send me text or voicenotes anytime you need - and I’ll do the same! It’s a 2 way street!

    Please rest assured that will never be bothering me and I will always be delighted to hear from you! I have my own boundaries, and will reply to you when I am available (within 24 hours). And encourage you to consider what your boundaries are too.

  • In general I recommend sessions happen on a bi-weekly basis, as that will give you time to put into practice the actions that we discuss during sessions. I am aware however that your needs may change along the journey - and life sometimes happens! So I am happy to be flexible and intuitive around the frequency of sessions as long as they are all used within the 5-month contract period

  • As a business owner and a Mum I know how precious your time is, and this programme is designed with that in mind.

    In addition to the 60-minute bi-weekly calls I recommend carving out at least one more hour across the week to reflect on your coaching journey. This will get you into the habit of prioritising yourself PLUS as you naturally integrate the programme learnings into your everyday life you’ll find it won’t feel like ‘work’ but rather a new way of embracing your life.

    Ultimately this is an investment that you’re making in yourself and your business, so it’s important for you to decide what feels aligned and motivating for you to commit to this process. But I’ll be by your side the whole way, and hold you accountable in whatever way you need.

  • We all work differently - what motivates one person may be a turn off for someone else! So up front we will discuss how to get the best out you, and weave that into our relationship dynamic.

    I’ll be 100% committed to keeping you accountable, making sure that your goals are clear and you feel good about the steps needed to get there.

    You’re free to contact me whenever you need support, and I’ll check in with you as well if I havn’t heard from you independently.

    At the start of each week we will set intentions for the week ahead and at the end fo each week we’ll reflect on your wins and learnings.

    And if you feel that you’re not making the progress you desire, we will take a step back together and evaluate what needs to change.

  • I have a 14 year marketing and communications career behind me, plus I have had invested in a lot of business training and coaching since starting my own business in January 2020. Within my mentor role I am happy to share that knowledge and experience with you, to support you to make choices and decisions around the more technical strategic side of running and growing your business. I’m also happy to look at your work and provide constructive feedback (no amends)

  • If you're not ready to commit to 5 months together then I have a couple of other 1:1 offerings available.

    I offer a 3-month programme - The Clarity and Confidence Experience - supporting unfulfilled Mums to reconnect with their passion, purpose and potential after having kids.

    I also offer a one-off coaching experience ‘Get Un-Stuck In 90’ - a powerful injection of clarity, motivation and accountability if you’re feeling stuck.

    If you have a custom time period in mind, get in touch and I'll see what I can do.

  • I am based in North London (N11) and I am happy to invite local clients to my home for face-to-face sessions if they prefer.

    I predominently work with my clients via Zoom however. This means that clients can easily and efficiently fit coaching sessions around their busy schedules. Online coaching has allowed me to work with clients all over the world (as far as Australia!) - so wherever you are in the UK or the world, we can make it work!

  • Appointments are available Monday – Thursday, between 9.30am – 4pm.

    Friday, evening and weekend appointments are possible under exceptional circumstances only.

NOT SURE IF YOU’RE READY to work with me?

Grab my FREE GUIDE for a taster of how I do things…


Where you’ll discover the 5 key ingredients to running your ‘You-Shaped’ business while balancing Motherhood.