corporate coaching

Empowering your employees to enjoy, embrace and own their professional ambitions while maintaining their integrity as a parent

Working parenthood is far from an easy gig. fact.

The ‘push-pull’ of working parenthood is never felt more profoundly than when we’re trying our damndest to be an amazing parent to our kids – and also have a great career or fulfill our own professional ambitions.

There is a huge invisible load of practical and emotional responsibilities that so many working parents are shouldering on a daily basis, in addition to their working responsibilities.

And that pressure to keep up appearances, maintain all the plates spinning and essentially work as if we don’t have kids can weigh an exhausting and overwhelming tonne, especially when we feel alone or unsupported in the experience.

I share this perspective from first hand experience, having worked in the corporate world as a senior marketeer for 14 years and having and taken two maternity leaves during that time without receiving any formal support during my transition back to work.

Returning from maternity leave and navigating employed life as a parent was one of the toughest experiences of my life - and sadly, I know my story is far from unique.

Working parenthood has been the trigger for countless talented employees to leave the workforce in search of a more compatible career path with family life. Myself included.


As an employer, proactively showing up for your employees with support, empathy and compassion will both alleviate the strain of working parenthood and also undoubtedly reap countless rewards commercially too.

Let me support your business in achieving your commercial and people goals through the delivery of a bespoke coaching solution tailored to empower your working parents.

benefits to your employees

  • Increased competence and confidence at work

  • Feeling supported, valued and heard in the workplace

  • Increased clarity around professional identity and trajectory

  • Increased confidence and self-belief

  • Reduced stress, anxiety and overwhelm

  • Increased productivity and motivation to unlock potential

  • A more balanced and fulfilling life inside and outsid work

  • Increased sense of community and solidarity amongst collegues

benefits to your business

  • Increased employee loyalty, productivity and happiness

  • Improvements in staff retention, commitment and attendence

  • Subsequent reduction in recruitment fees

  • Providing reassurance to a younger generation of employees

  • A means to champion gender equality in the workplace

  • Contributes towards the attraction of new talent

  • Demonstrates a recognition and support of government legislation championing working parents

how can i help your business support your working parents to thrive?

workshops and Webinars

I can run workshops, lunch and learn sessions, panel discussions or webinars for your colleagues (in person or online) on topics including:

WELLBEING - Work-Life balance, mental health, wellbeing and self-care as a working parent

PRODUCTIVITY - tips and strategies to support more effective working around family life (eg: time management, prioritisation, managing expectations, boundary setting, boosting concentration, assertiveness, WFH wellbeing)

MINDSET - overcoming mindset challenges (eg: Parental Guilt, Imposter Syndrome, Self Doubt, Procrastination, Comparison, Overwhelm, Fear of failure, Confidence Building)

“Thank you so much for your amazing lunch and learn session. We’ve received so much positive feedback. It gave parents a chance to breathe amidst their busy lives and make their needs a priority too, as we know they can get lost in the crazy day to day juggle of being a working parent. Clear Channel and our working parents crew cannot WAIT to have you back in very soon”

— Ciara Coffey, Clear Channel -

working parent group coaching

I can facilitate group coaching sessions for your working parent community focussed around a targeted topic (eg: boundaries, finding balance as a working parent, confidence) or delivered as a safe and supportive opportunity to reflect on individal challenges amongst like-minded colleagues

Not only will participants benefit from personalised coaching support (from me) but the intimate group environment will also provide an opportunity for colleagues to learn from one another and create a greater sense of solidarity, support and connection as a working parent community.

“It was so wonderful to share this experience with the others group members , to listen to their thoughts and feelings and also to have their input about my own situation. The group support was amazing and it was so lovely to feel understood and connected to other parents who were on a similar journey, and experiencing comparable challenges”

— Emily, group coaching participant -

parental leave 1:1 coaching

Returning to work after taking time away to have a baby can be an extremely overwhelming and stressful experience for many parents.

My ‘Parental Leave 1:1 Coaching Programme’ will assist your business in the support and ongoing engagement of your employees both while on extended parental leave as well as during their transition back to work.

I will work collaboratively with your organisation to create a bespoke 1:1 programme to support your employees, that also aligns with the goals and objectives of your business. A typical programme tends to include:

  • An introduction call with the coachee before beginning sessions

  • 6 x hour long 1:1 coaching sessions over 6 months

    • 2 x sessions while on leave, 4 x sessions after returning to work

  • Remote support via email (1 check-in per week) over 6 months

  • Ongoing evaluation and optimisation of progress using a personalised coaching roadmap

  • Regular contact with HR providing general feedback and recommendations to optimise the programme

  • A complimentary guide for line managers empowering them to support their direct reports

“Tamsin has been fantastic in helping me regain my confidence back at work after my second maternity leave. She's been incredibly supportive in helping me to organise my thoughts, understand what my goals really are, and take steps to reaching them. She's a brilliant coach - warm, supportive and encouraging, and knows how to ask the right questions to get to the heart of things. She's helped me to get perspective and understand what's really important about my work and has been invaluable in helping me get my work life back on track, and manage my life much more effectively as a parent!”

— Jennie, Marketing Strategist and Mum of 2 -

1:1 coaching for working parents

Whatever stage you’re at on your parenthood journey, there is always a new phase or stage to contend with, and often those transitions can have a profound impact on how we show up in our professional lives and feel about the future.

Having a confidential and supportive space to work through these challenges as working parents can make a huge difference to our overall happiness, motivation levels and emotional wellbeing both at work and at home.

I feel passionately about providing tailored coaching support for working parents so they feel empowered to show up across all parts of life feeling confident in themselves and their own abilities.

“I was feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious about managing my work and home life and the juggle was affecting my confidence in the workplace. Coaching with Tamsin has left me feeling so much better about work and in myself. I’m now able to manage my work-life balance and my anxieties with so much more ease, I believe in myself again and I am equipped with coping mechanisms when certain situations or feelings arise. Tamsin is so understanding and supportive, and made me feel relaxed and safe to talk through my challenges. She helped me through a big personal transition, I couldn’t have done it without her guidance and support”

— Laura, Marketeer and Mum of 2 -

Get In Touch

It is important to me that any solution I recommend keeps your business needs, culture and objectives in mind.

If you’d like to explore how I can help you to support your working parents, drop me an email for more information at

Or click the button below to book a call to talk in more detail about the needs of your organisation.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!